
This section contains API documentation for the most important modules and interfaces that are necessary when using the library.

Thermomechanical properties through homogenization


Calculate the orthotropic moduli from an elasticity tensor written using the \((\phi_2, \phi)\) bases

Parameters:A (array_like of shape (6, 6)) – Elasticity tensor
Returns:\((E_1, E_2, E_3, \mu_{12}, \mu_{23}, \mu_{13}, \nu_{12}, \nu_{23}, \nu_{31})\)
fiberpy.mechanics.AIsotropic(E, nu)

Isotropic elasticity tensor given in the \((\phi, \phi)\) bases

  • E (float) – Young’s modulus
  • nu (float) – Poisson coefficient

Elasticity tensor

Return type:

array of shape (6, 6)

class fiberpy.mechanics.FiberComposite(rve_data)

Fiber-reinforced composite

Parameters:rve_data (dict) – Dictionary defining the microstructure
ABar(a, model='TandonWeng', closure='orthotropic', recompute_UD=False)

Homogenized elasticity tensor in the principal frame

  • a (array_like of shape (3,)) – Principal values of the 2nd fiber orientation tensor, a[0] >= a[1] >= a[2]
  • model (str) – Micromechanical model for the unidirectional RVE (TandonWeng or MoriTanaka)
  • closure (str) – 4th-order fiber orientation closure model A4_*, see fiberpy.closure
  • recompute_UD (bool) – Whether force recomputing elastic properties of the unidirectional RVE

Effective elasticity tensor using the \((\phi_2, \phi)\) bases

Return type:

array of shape (6, 6)


Advani, S. G. & Tucker III, C. L. The use of tensors to describe and predict fiber orientation in short fiber composites. Journal of Rheology, SOR, 1987, 31, 751-784


Eshelby’s tensor


Tandon, G. P. & Weng, G. J. The effect of aspect ratio of inclusions on the elastic properties of unidirectionally aligned composites. Polymer Composites, Wiley Online Library, 1984, 5, 327-333


Elasticity tensor for a unidirectional RVE using the original Mori-Tanaka formulation

Returns:Elasticity tensor using the \((\phi, \phi)\) bases
Return type:array of shape (6, 6)

Elasticity tensor for a unidirectional RVE using Tandon-Weng’s equations

Returns:Elasticity tensor using the \((\phi, \phi)\) bases
Return type:array of shape (6, 6)


Tandon, G. P. & Weng, G. J. The effect of aspect ratio of inclusions on the elastic properties of unidirectionally aligned composites. Polymer Composites, Wiley Online Library, 1984, 5, 327-333


Homogenized thermal expansion coefficients in the principal frame

Parameters:ABar (array_like of shape (6, 6)) – Elasticity tensor
Returns:Effective thermal dilatation coefficient matrix
Return type:array of shape (3, 3)


Rosen, B. W. & Hashin, Z. Effective thermal expansion coefficients and specific heats of composite materials. International Journal of Engineering Science, Elsevier BV, 1970, 8, 157-173


Retrieve the RVE variables


Parse a RVE data defining the microstructure

vBar(x0, x1)

Volume average

fiberpy.mechanics.bulk_modulus(E, nu)

Bulk modulus from \((E, \nu)\)

fiberpy.mechanics.lmbda_mu(E, nu)

Convert \((E, \nu)\) to \((\lambda, \mu)\)

FEA interface for integrative simulations

class fiberpy.interface.FEAInterface(fiber_composite, mesh_size)

Generic FEA interface for integrative simulations


Calculate the effective elasticity and thermal dilatation tensors on the TUB orientation space


Locate the element in the TUB orientation space containing the given fiber orientation

Parameters:a (ndarray of shape (n, 3)) – Principal values of fiber orientation tensor in decreasing order
class fiberpy.interface.OptistructInterface(fiber_composite, mesh_size)

FEA interface for Altair Optistruct

generate(a_dict, infile, outfile)

Generate an integrative simulation file for Altair Optistruct

Composite materials and elements are identified by their same PID / MID defined in the original file. They are given by the keys of the a_dict dictionary. All non-composite elements will conserve their properties but with a new PID / MID.

  • a_dict (dict) – Mapped fiber orientation tensor for given elements associated with PID / MID as keys. Its components are ordered as a11, a22, a33, a12, a23, a13
  • infile (str) – Input original isotropic simulation file
  • outfile (str) – Output modified integrative simulation file

Fiber orientation models

class fiberpy.orientation.Icosphere(radius=1, n_refinement=5)

Discretization of a sphere using subdivision of a icosahedron

  • radius (float) – Radius of the sphere
  • n_refinement (int) – Number of subdivision of the icosahedron

Centroid coordinates of cells


Project node points from the sphere to 2-d plane using the Equal Earch projection

integrate(fun, vectorized=False)

Integrate a function defined on the icosphere

We assume that function is piecewisely constant in each cell

  • f (callable) – Function depending on x
  • vectorized (bool) – Whether the given function is vectorized
fiberpy.orientation.apply_Ax(v, A, x)

Compute the contraction of a 4th-order tensor (with minor symmetry) given in the principal frame on a symmetric 2nd-order tensor given in the global frame

  • v (ndarray of shape (3, 3)) – Principal directions along its columns
  • A (ndarray of shape (6, 6)) – 4th-order tensor (using fiberpy.tensor.Mat4())
  • x (ndarray of shape (3, 3)) – 2nd-order tensor

Result array

Return type:

ndarray of shape (3, 3)

fiberpy.orientation.distribution_function(a, n_refinement=5, return_mesh=False)

Reconstruct the orientation distribution function (ODF) from the 2nd-order orientation tensor

The ODF is assumed to follow the Bingham distribution. Its probability density function is proportional to


where \(\mathbf{v}\) are the principal directions and \(\mathbf{Z}\) is a diagonal matrix of trace 1

  • a (array_like of shape (3, 3) or (3,)) – Fiber orientation tensor (or its principal values in decreasing order)
  • n_refinement (int) – Number of subdivision of the icosahedron
  • return_mesh (bool) – Also return the icosphere mesh containing the values on cells

Orientation distribution function odf(x) defined for normal vectors on the unit sphere

Return type:


fiberpy.orientation.fiber_orientation(a0, t, L, ci, ar, kappa=1, D3=None, closure='orthotropic', method='RK45', debug=False, **kwargs)

Compute fiber orientation tensor evolution using the Folgar-Tucker model as its variants

  • a0 (ndarray of shape (3, 3)) – Initial fiber orientation tensor
  • t (ndarray of shape (1, )) – Time instants
  • L (ndarray of shape (3, 3)) – Velocity gradient
  • ci (float) – Interaction coefficient
  • ar (float) – Aspect ratio
  • kappa (float) – Reduction coefficient when using the RSC model, 0 < kappa <= 1
  • D3 (ndarray of shape (3, )) – Coefficients \((D_1,D_2,D_3)\) when using the MRD model
  • closure (str) – 4th-order fiber orientation closure model A4_*, see fiberpy.closure
  • method (str) – Numerical method to integrate the IVP, see scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(), or julia
  • debug (bool) – Return instead the sol object and dadt

Project fiber orientation tensors to the physical space

Parameters:a (array_like of shape (3,)) – Principal values of fiber orientation tensor in decreasing order
fiberpy.orientation.shear_steady_state(ci, ar, closure='orthotropic', a0_isotropic='3d')

Fiber orientation at steady state under simple shear

  • ci (float) – Interaction coefficient
  • ar (float) – Aspect ratio
  • closure (str) – 4th-order fiber orientation closure model A4_*, see fiberpy.closure
  • a0_isotropic (str) – If 3d, using 3-d initial isotropic orientation; if 2d, using planar initial isotropic orientation

Closure models for 4th-order fiber orientation tensor


Compute the exact closure in the principal frame

Parameters:a (array_like of shape (3,)) – Fiber orientation principal values, a[0] >= a[1] >= a[2]
Returns:4th-order orientation tensor written using the \((\phi,\phi)\) bases
Return type:array of shape (6, 6)

Compute the hybrid closure

Parameters:a (array_like of shape (3, 3) or (3,)) – Fiber orientation tensor (or its principal values in decreasing order)
Returns:4th-order orientation tensor written using the \((\phi,\phi)\) bases
Return type:array of shape (6, 6)


Advani, S. G. & Tucker III, C. L. Closure approximations for three-dimensional structure tensors. Journal of Rheology, SOR, 1990, 34, 367-386


Compute the IBOF closure

Parameters:a (array_like of shape (3, 3) or (3,)) – Fiber orientation tensor (or its principal values in decreasing order)
Returns:4th-order orientation tensor written using the \((\phi,\phi)\) bases
Return type:array of shape (6, 6)

Compute the linear closure

Parameters:a (array_like of shape (3, 3) or (3,)) – Fiber orientation tensor (or its principal values in decreasing order)
Returns:4th-order orientation tensor written using the \((\phi,\phi)\) bases
Return type:array of shape (6, 6)


Advani, S. G. & Tucker III, C. L. The use of tensors to describe and predict fiber orientation in short fiber composites. Journal of Rheology, SOR, 1987, 31, 751-784


Compute the orthotropic closure in the principal frame

Parameters:a (array_like of shape (3,)) – Fiber orientation principal values, a[0] >= a[1] >= a[2]
Returns:4th-order orientation tensor using the \((\phi,\phi)\) bases
Return type:array of shape (6, 6)


VerWeyst, B. E. Numerical predictions of flow-induced fiber orientation in three-dimensional geometries. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998


Compute the quadratic closure

Parameters:a (array_like of shape (3, 3) or (3,)) – Fiber orientation tensor (or its principal values in decreasing order)
Returns:4th-order orientation tensor written using the \((\phi,\phi)\) bases
Return type:array of shape (6, 6)


Advani, S. G. & Tucker III, C. L. The use of tensors to describe and predict fiber orientation in short fiber composites. Journal of Rheology, SOR, 1987, 31, 751-784

Utility functions for manupulating 2nd/4th-order tensors


Bijection between a symmetric 2nd order tensor space and 6-dim vector space using the \(\phi\) basis

\[\begin{split}\begin{bmatrix} s_{11} & s_{12} & s_{13} \\ s_{12} & s_{22} & s_{23} \\ s_{13} & s_{23} & s_{33} \\ \end{bmatrix}\iff\begin{bmatrix} s_{11} \\ s_{22} \\ s_{33} \\ s_{12} \\ s_{23} \\ s_{13} \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]
Parameters:sig (ndarray of dim 1 or 2) – 2nd-order tensor

Bijection between a symmetric 2nd order tensor space and 6-dim vector space using the \(\phi_2\) basis

\[\begin{split}\begin{bmatrix} e_{11} & e_{12} & e_{13} \\ e_{12} & e_{22} & e_{23} \\ e_{13} & e_{23} & e_{33} \\ \end{bmatrix}\iff\begin{bmatrix} e_{11} \\ e_{22} \\ e_{33} \\ 2e_{12} \\ 2e_{23} \\ 2e_{13} \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]
Parameters:eps (ndarray of dim 1 or 2) – 2nd-order tensor

Bijection between a symmetric 2nd order tensor space and 6-dim vector space using the \(\phi_\mathrm{S}\) basis

\[\begin{split}\begin{bmatrix} e_{11} & e_{12} & e_{13} \\ e_{12} & e_{22} & e_{23} \\ e_{13} & e_{23} & e_{33} \\ \end{bmatrix}\iff\begin{bmatrix} e_{11} \\ e_{22} \\ e_{33} \\ \sqrt{2}e_{12} \\ \sqrt{2}e_{23} \\ \sqrt{2}e_{13} \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]
Parameters:eps (ndarray of dim 1 or 2) – 2nd-order tensor

Matrix representation of a 4th order tensor with minor symmety using the \((\phi,\phi)\) bases

Parameters:A (ndarray of shape (3, 3, 3, 3)) – 4th-order tensor

Matrix that converts a 2nd-order tensor from the global frame (\(\phi\) basis) to the principal frame (\(\phi\) basis)

Parameters:v (ndarray of shape (3, 3)) – Principal directions along its columns

Matrix that converts a 2nd-order tensor from the global frame (\(\phi_2\) basis) to the principal frame (\(\phi\) basis)

Parameters:v (ndarray of shape (3, 3)) – Principal directions along its columns

Matrix that converts a 2nd-order tensor from the principal frame (\(\phi\) basis) to the global frame (\(\phi\) basis)

Parameters:v (ndarray of shape (3, 3)) – Principal directions along its columns

Convert (i, j) indices of a symmetric 2nd-order tensor to its vector index


Convert (i, j, k, l) indices of a symmetric 4nd-order tensor to its matrix index